For years I have used the Shortcuts in the Quick Action Toolbar to speed up my MATLAB workflow. To create one, I used to just click the button highlighted below.

Last week, I upgraded to 2018b and the ability to create Shortcuts in the Quick Action Toolbar appears to have been removed completely.

This was the conclusion I came to after clicking around for 10 minutes looking for where the functionality has been moved too.
Eventually, I found it.
In MATLAB 2018b, there is a whole new feature called Favorites (no UK localisation! 🙁 ), this can be found in the Home tab under code, as seen below. This is what shortcuts where in 2017b, but supercharged.
Favorites lets you save snippets of commonly used code and allows them to be quickly accessed from the Favorites drop down list. They can be added and removed from the Quick Action Toolbar quickly using buttons in the Favorites list.
You can even create Favorites directly from the Command History, by hovering over a selected line of code (or several lines) and clicking the star that appears on hover.
The full documentation of this feature is available on the MathWork Website here.