Another activity we took Benjamin to do – raspberry and strawberry picking at Benty Farm Tearooms in Thurstaton, Wirral.

We went in the afternoon of Saturday 23rd July 2022. We took our one year old Benjamin and his five year old friend. It had been raining in the morning, so it was wellies all round.
Entry is free and you pay for what you pick. It was £6.50 per kg for strawberries and £9.50 per kg for raspberries. No comitments or minimum spends, just pay for what you pick! You are encourage (by signage) not to eat anything in the fields, but that is hard to explain to a berry obsessed 1-year-old – we tried, but not very hard. He had a great time though!
The set up in the field is really excellent, there are solid walkways throughout, completely accesible by pram (and maybe even wheelchair). Half of the strawberries are at ground level and half are elevated about 1m off the ground. There are excellent trellis structures around the raspberries to keep them contained and easy to pick!
The set-up was much better than we expected and they still has ALOT of berries left when we went, we did not struggle to find what we wanted.
We filled a punnet of strawberries and half a punnet of raspberries and they were delicious!
Overall, a great activity, really well organised. Highly recommended!